IWAP members must complete the following registration form each year! This adds you to our roster and our mailing list, so we can keep in touch with you, even if you live out of town or are unable to participate in our in-person activities due to your schedule or other commitments. You will be invited to our virtual meeting on Fifth Thursdays and occasional special events.
Dues may be paid by cash, check, or Zelle. These dues allows you to participate in all in-person program meetings, cooking classes*, book clubs, activities and field trips* from September 2024 through August 2025. You do not need to pay dues to participate in virtual activities only.
$30 (join before Jan 1, 2025)
$25 (join on or after Jan 1, 2025)
*additional fees may apply to some activity types to cover the cost of food/ingredients, admission, tours, events, etc.
As a first-time visitor, you are welcome to join us for a free meeting. We encourage you to let us know you are coming via the email address below. There is no obligation to join, but we hope you will want to. You may register and pay dues on or before your second meeting if you would like to return.
Email us at iwap.pittsburgh@gmail.com