IWAP Activities and Meetings

Program Meetings

Program meetings typically take place on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The morning begins at 10AM with an hour of fellowship and refreshments. This is your chance to meet people and make new friends in Pittsburgh. Then, we enjoy a one-hour program, which might focus on a United States holiday, a cultural tradition from a member’s home country, a craft or activity, a movie screening and discussion, or a presentation about an area of the world.

Cooking Classes

Cooking classes are normally held the first Thursday of each month, and sign-up in advance is important. A group of 20-25 women meet to learn about, prepare, cook, and eat several dishes from a member’s home country or within a special cuisine theme. Generally, there are some leftovers to take home, as well! Each cooking class costs $10 in advance or $15 as a walk-in to cover the cost of ingredients. Recipes are shared on our Google Drive, too.

Book Club

Book Club regularly gives members a chance to explore highly acclaimed novels under 300 pages that can be easily borrowed from our local libraries. The group usually meets each 3rd Thursday of the month to discuss the content and topic of the book. But this book club is special - because it is easy to participate even if you did not read the book! Elizabeth, our book club facilitator, prepares supplemental material every month with questions to think about and alternative ways to explore the content. There are often in-person lectures and a luncheon with an author, as well!


IWAP members volunteer in a number of ways. Monthly, members have an opportunity to meet and work together at Global Links, a Pittsburgh-based non-profit dedicated to improving health in communities with need by sharing surplus from the US healthcare system with health programs globally and locally.

The group also sets up a water station at the Pittsburgh Marathon in May to give athletes a drink on the course.

Field Trips

Field trips take IWAP members to interesting locations in and around the City of Pittsburgh. A field trip might be a lunch at a restaurant serving ethnic cuisine, a gathering at a local museum, an evening at a lecture or show, or a shopping day in the Strip District to explore food markets with items from around the globe or locally grown crops at a rural farm market. We welcome your ideas for fun and interesting field trips. Field trips require an additional payment for admissions, meals, or individual purchases and cost is announced in advance.

And More!

We often get together to check out a restaurant, gather around a shared interest (like our monthly knitting group or yoga class before meetings), dine at a member’s home, or just hang out in smaller groups.

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