Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have a question for us?
Great, we would like to help you! Check here for the most frequently asked questions:

Who joins IWAP?

  • Americans who want to share their culture and learn about other cultures

  • Foreign residents who want to know more about Pittsburgh

  • Long-term visitors who want to know more about Pittsburgh and the US

  • Foreign Nationals who want to be in touch with others from around the globe

  • All women who want to share their culture and learn from others.

When can I join?

Anytime you wish.

Meetings take place indoors most Thursdays from September to May. Then, during the summer we move to monthly Thursday meetings at Schenley Plaza which is outdoors until August. We have occasional other gatherings throughout the year, sometimes have virtual meetings to join with IWAP friends from around the world, and we share information about local happenings in Pittsburgh with our membership all the time! Your membership is valid until the end of August and a new membership will be offered the following September. Once you register, you’ll get notification of our meetings and activities.

How do I become a member of IWAP?

Come to a Thursday meeting or register online in advance, and pay the appropriate membership fee. If you are uncertain and would like to email or talk to someone first, please visit our Contact page.

How much does the membership cost?

The first meeting is free for you to try. If you would like to join, the cost of membership is $30 for the season (September to August) and includes participation in our meetings and activities. Some field trips require an additional admission fee, or a contribution for ingredients or food. The fee is discounted if you join later in the season, so be sure to check the Membership page for details.

What does IWAP offer to its members?

A lot! We offer a wide variety of activities: weekly meetings, a book club, cooking classes (learn dishes from another member's country), monthly field trips (to explore Pittsburgh and its surroundings), volunteering opportunities, and more! See our Activities page for additional details on what we do together.

Are children welcome at IWAP?

Yes, of course! As we are women and some of us also mothers, we welcome mothers with their kids during Thursday meetings, most field trips and cooking classes.  

How do I sign up for one of these activities?

We have sign up sheets for most activities at our Thursday meetings. And, many times we provide a link in our newsletter to sign up via email. Spots are sometimes limited for the cooking classes and field trips, so it is best to sign up as soon as you know you are able and wish to attend.

I would like to volunteer for a committee at IWAP, how do I express interest?

Thank you for your interest! Everything that happens at IWAP relies on members' dedication and volunteering, so you are encouraged to help us with your ideas and skills. Currently, we are most in need of volunteers to help with Programs, Registration, Outreach, and to host Cooking Classes. The easiest way to get involved is to speak with someone from the committee you would like to join or reach out to one of the co-chairs.

Do you ever cancel IWAP events?

Our cancellations are tied to closings of the Pittsburgh Public Schools (that is elementary, junior and high school, not the local colleges). During the winter if weather conditions are really bad:

- Classes for Pittsburgh Public Schools could be cancelled, or

- Schools could have a later start in the morning.

If EITHER one happens on the day of an IWAP activity, the IWAP activity is also canceled. This policy eliminates the need for someone early in the morning to attempt to reach everyone by phone or email. To help you find out if schools are cancelled, please check for school cancellations HERE.

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